Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bakal tumbang?

Selepas Tunisia dan Mesir, kini tiba giliran Libya pula. Bila pemimpin tiada sifat tawaduk, hatinya penuh sifat tamak dan busuk. Mari kita sama-sama doakan keamanan untuk rakyat Libya yang juga saudara seislam kita. Sama-sama kita bantu mereka dalam doa kita. Gadaffi bukan saja menzalimi rakyatnya tapi juga mencemarkan imej agama islam di mata kaum kuffar di seluruh pelusuk dunia seperti mana Ben Ali dan Hosni Mubarak.

Daripada siri kejatuhan demi kejatuhan pemimpin yang zalim ini, seharusnya kita lebih bersungguh lagi untuk terus membina generasi yang lebih berkualiti daripada sekarang. Di Mesir contohnya, proses tarbiyah sudah berlangsung lama hingga kemuncaknnya mereka ada momentum yang kuat untuk menjatuhkan pemimpin mereka sendiri. Bekerjalah, bukan sekadar melihat dan mengkritik saja. Kita-kita lah yang mempunyai kefahaman dalam agama harus menggerakkan proses pembinaan generasi rabbani. Sudah sunnatullah kebenaran itu akan menumbangkan kezaliman tetapi kita tidak boleh berpeluk tubuh saja menunggu sistem khalifah tertegak tetapi perlu berusaha dan pertolongan Allah akan beriringan insyaAllah. Mari semarakkan proses tarbiyah :).

"Seorang lagi diktator yg bakal digulingkan"


A top Egyptian cleric has called on Libyan soldiers who can shoot Libya's unpopular Leader Muammar Gaddafi not to hold their fire to free the nation of his oppression.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, viewed as the spiritual leader of the Egyptian opposition Muslim Brotherhood, made the call on Monday through a fatwa (religious decree) against the 42-year-long head of state.

"Whoever in the Libyan Army is able to shoot a bullet at Mr. Gaddafi should do so," he told the Qatar-based news channel al-Jazeera.

Libya has been swept by pro-democracy protests inspired by popular revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, which toppled the countries' presidents.

Such killing would "rid Libya of him," said Qaradawi. The scholar, who also heads the International Union for Muslim Scholars, returned to Egypt after three decades in exile following the revolution.

Gaddafi's government has deployed fighter jets to open fire on the demonstrators to prevent revolution.

Forces loyal to Gaddafi are also said to have used live rounds against protesters amid reports, pointing to the arrival of planeloads of armed foreign mercenaries in the capital, Tripoli.

Libyan protesters, however, have reportedly managed to seize several cities.

The International Federation for Human Rights says as many as 400 people have so far been killed during the protests.

Qaradawi also told Libyan soldiers "not to obey orders to strike at your own people," and urged Libyan ambassadors around the world to dissociate themselves from Gaddafi's regime.


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