Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fish oil more effective than ritalin

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Tempoh hari doktor prescribed nootropil untuk si kembar makan. Setelah buat research, saya buat keputusan untuk tidak memberikan drug ini untuk anak-anak. Lagipun anak-anak bukannya SAKIT. Sebagai alternatif ialah kami memberi si kembar minyak ikan. Kena kurangkan makan ayam dan banyakkan makan ikan seperti ikan tenggiri, ikan merah, ikan jenahak, ikan kembong,ikan tuna, ikan salmon dan ikan keli. Selain tu banyakkan makan kuning telur dan kekacang. Pendek kata jaga diet anak. InsyaAllah jika diamalkan, akan berkuranglah hiperaktif anak. Sebagai seorang ibu, doa kita insyaAllah mustajab untuk anak-anak. Selepas berusaha segala-galanya, akhir sekali jangan lupa disusuli dengan tawakkal kepada Allah. Berikut merupakan artikel berkenaan minyak ikan. Jadi kepada ibubapa yang beri anak-anak ritalin untuk kurangkan hiperactive anak, baca artikel kat bawah. Nak baca artikel penuh kat SINI.

Fish Oil can be more Effective than Ritalin

Additional studies are ongoing to see if fish oil supplements can also improve the behaviour of children with ADHD. Currently, there is increasing thought that Omega 3 fatty acids are safer and more effective than current medications like Ritalin. Parents who have a child diagnosed with ADHD should discuss the benefits to fish oil with their doctor and give it a try before relying on the often dangerous drugs.

In one ADHD study, a group of children aged seven to twelve were taken off their ';.;'.'.normal medications and given fish oil supplements instead. By the end of the third month, all of the children were less hyper, doing exceptionally well in school, and able to concentrate for far longer than in the past. Those on placebos showed no signs of improvement until they were switched to fish oil supplements and then they improved drastically as well.

For this reason, many world health organizations suggest parents feed their child fish at least once a week. Nevertheless, mercury poisoning is a potential threat in today's world. This is where it becomes safer to give a child fish oil supplements. Most countries hold fish oil manufacturers to high standards. Fish oil must be filtered to remove all mercury and other toxins. Parents wanting to give their child fish oil supplements should read the bottle and make sure it was produced in a country that requires all fish oil to be filtered before using in Omega 3 supplements.

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