Thursday, July 12, 2012

Berserah pada Allah

۞ ﺒﺴﻢ ﺍﷲ ﺍﻠﺮﺤﻤٰﻦ ﺍﻠﺮﺤﯿﻢ ۞

Bersyukur ada kemudahan internet kerana boleh saya buat research sebab apa Fathul kerap muntah. Dua hari lepas, saya bawa Fathul ke hospital untuk ambil darah dan air kencing. Result untuk air kencing ok dan kami minta untuk buat floride test sebab fathul selalu telan ubat gigi masa gosok gigi. Segala ubat gigi saya dah buang dalam tong sampah. Hospital hantar sampel ke tempat lain so result dapat lambat. Untuk blood test, kandungan urea dalam darah Fathul tinggi itulah sebab kenapa Fathul selalu muntah. So sad. Jadi, kerisauan saya pasal floride toxicity dah menurun. Doktor suruh minum air banyak-banyak. Creatine level pula masih rendah menunjukkan fungsi ginjal masih elok. Saya kena cari dan buat kesimpulan dengan cepat. Bermain dengan teka teki menyeksakan jiwa saya. Untuk mengatakan Fathul mengalami urea cycle disorder, saya masih tidak pasti. Segala-galanya hamba berserah pada Allah..

Urea cycle disorder
Children with mild or moderate urea cycle enzyme deficiencies may not show symptoms until early childhood, or may be diagnosed subsequent to identification of the disorder in a more severely affected relative or through newborn screening. Early symptoms may include hyperactive behavior, sometimes accompanied by screaming and self-injurious behavior, and refusal to eat meat or other high-protein foods. Later symptoms may include frequent episodes of vomiting, especially following high-protein meals; lethargy and delirium; and finally, if the condition is undiagnosed and untreated, coma and death. Children with this disorder may be referred to child psychologists because of their behavior and eating problems. Childhood episodes of hyperammonemia (high ammonia levels in the blood) may be brought on by viral illnesses including chicken pox, high-protein meals, or even exhaustion. The condition is sometimes misdiagnosed as Reye’s Syndrome. Childhood onset can be seen in both boys and girls.-wikipedia

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